leaning diary Rails

colimaの再起動【error starting vm: error at 'starting': exit status 1】

colimaの再起動【error starting vm: error at 'starting': exit status 1】

colimaの再起動を試みたところ、【error starting vm: error at 'starting': exit status 1】が発生しました。

❯ colima stop
INFO[0000] stopping colima
INFO[0000] not running context=vm
INFO[0000] done

❯ colima start
INFO[0000] starting colima
INFO[0000] runtime: docker
WARN[0000] dynamic disk resize not supported for VZ driver, ignoring... context=vm
INFO[0000] starting ... context=vm
> Using the existing instance "colima"
> Ignoring: vmType vz: [OS]
> [hostagent] Starting VZ (hint: to watch the boot progress, see "/Users/xxxxxxxxxx/.lima/colima/serial*.log")
> [hostagent] new connection from to
> exiting, status={Running:false Degraded:false Exiting:true Errors:[] SSHLocalPort:0} (hint: see "/Users/xxxxxxxxxx/.lima/colima/ha.stderr.log")
FATA[0000] error starting vm: error at 'starting': exit status 1



❯ cat /Users/tokudome/.lima/colima/ha.stderr.log

❯ cat /Users/tokudome/.lima/colima/serial*.log


以下のissueを参考に colima delete を実行したところ、解消しました。

❯ colima delete
are you sure you want to delete colima and all settings? [y/N] y
INFO[0006] deleting colima
INFO[0006] done
[WARN] - (starship::utils): Executing command "/Users/tokudome/.nvm/versions/node/v18.18.0/bin/node" timed out.
[WARN] - (starship::utils): Executing command "/Users/tokudome/.rbenv/shims/ruby" timed out.

❯ colima start
> * Starting Docker Daemon ... [ ok ]
>INFO[0027] done



-leaning diary, Rails